Прочитай ниже предложения 1-10.употребите слова,напичатаные заглавнымибуквами.изменив их на существительльные.оканчивающияеся на -er/or 1.my mozart. compose 2.walt dishey was mickcy mouse. create 3.we asked furnish our flat. dlesign 4.johnis a very drive 5.i saw the film only because my in it. act 6.sam"s father is a buld 7.the me why i wanted the jod. interview 8."tanswer the guestios asked. lecture 9.my grandma was a very she was young. dance 10.muhammad ali was a

pointbreakk9 pointbreakk9    2   20.05.2019 21:50    1

hchv hchv  14.06.2020 12:16

1.My favourite composer is Mozart. (композитор)

2.Walt Dishey was the creator of Mickey Mouse.  (создатель)         

3.We asked a designer to finish our flat.  (дизайнер)     

4.johnis a very careless driver  (водитель)

5.I saw the film only because my favourite actor played in it. (актер)

6.Sam"s father is a builder   (строитель)

7.The enterviewer asked me why I wanted the jod. (корреспондент)

8.The lecturer couldn"tanswer the guestios asked.  (лектор)

9.My grandmother  was a very popular dancer when she was young.  (танцовщица)

10.Muhammad Ali was a famous boxer (  боксер)

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