Про любовь 8-10 предложений на языке

vladdobryj071 vladdobryj071    3   08.10.2019 01:00    0

shrnv shrnv  10.10.2020 02:58

very "Love story" has its main heroes a girl and a boy. This one is not an exception. So...The story might be boring for someone. But not for my best friend. It was the 19th of December. Monday. An ordinary school, an ordinary math lesson. Suddenly, the door opens and a beautiful girl enters the classroom. All the boys fall in love with her at the first sight. The main hero's heart started beating stronger and louder. He promised himself that this new girl will be at least a friend of his.  After 6 months of studying together, they became good friends. Some people say that FRIENDSHIP BETWEEN a BOY and a GIRL DOES NOT EXIST. But it is not true. The boy was ready for the close relationship, but the girl broke his heart. She asked him for advice: "Max, my friend, well, you don't know him but he is so nice... I like him and he likes me. Yesterday he kissed me. What do you think... Are we a couple?"  These words just killed the boy. He found himself in the 'FRIEND ZONE'. His lovely girl was in relationships with other boys a lot of times more after that case. Every time, she asked him for advice - him, who was crazy about her. Only a few years later, the girl realised that the man, who loved her more than all the rest young men, was all that time near her,  - it was her best friend.  As you have already understood, they became a couple. and soon got married. They loved each other and this story is about my friend and his beloved wife. Their family life was the best I have ever known.

shoxi21 shoxi21  10.10.2020 02:58

однажды когда я учился в 9 классе,к нам пришла новенькая. она была очень милая и красивая.я влюбился в неё.помимо красота она также хорошо училась. я решил ей признаться,но я очень нервничал.поэтому обратился за к своему другу. он сказал мне ,что нужно пригласить её куда-нибудь. я решил пригласить её в кино. когда я пригласил её,она охотно согласилась и мы прекрасно провели день. а после я ей признался. оказалось ,что я ей тоже нравился уже 3 года и мы до сих пор вместе.

Once when I was in the 9th grade, a new girl came to us. She was very sweet and beautiful. I fell in love with her. In addition to the beauty she also studied well. I decided to confess to her, but I was very nervous. So I turned to my friend for help. he told me to invite her somewhere. I decided to invite her to the movies. when I invited her, she willingly agreed and we had a great day. and after I confessed to her. it turned out that she liked me too. 3 years have passed and we are still together.

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