Привет нужно составить 6 предложений во 2 типе, 3 предложения про президента( If I were the president of russia? would...)
и 3 про маму или папу ( if were my mother(father)? I would...)
огроомное заранее))

Кристина15551 Кристина15551    2   15.03.2020 07:28    3

Lizulinka Lizulinka  11.10.2020 21:52

If I were the President of Russia, I would build more kindergartens

If I were the President of Russia, students would learn online

If I were the President of Russia, there would not be exams at all.

If I were my mother, I would let me stay up late.

If I were my father, I would help me with my homework.

If I were my mother, I would learn English

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