Приготовьте разговор о человеке, который является(лся) пожилым мужчиной/женщиной, человеком с ограниченными возможностями или членом этнической группы. скажите, чем этот человек известен. 5-6 предложений (на )
Now, i would like to give a talk about famous disabeled person. Not everyone knows that Franklin Roosvelt, the 32nd president of Usa was very sick.Before the ww2, he overtakes polio desease and become half-paralyzed, but it didnt hinder him to make a great politician career. He was a peacemaker and advocate his peaceful view of the world. He also took part in WW2, where america has played an important role. In conclusion, i would like to mention that he is only one re-elected President, who was re-elected more than twice