Придумать пять предложений на английском с such​

amina318 amina318    3   06.05.2020 20:49    0

Dangor123 Dangor123  14.10.2020 09:09

1. My mother love me, such as my father.

2. I like oranges, such as strawberries.

3. I like pink, such as black.

4. My dad's parents love me, such as my mom's parents.

Сорри, но больше не придумала


KKK11576 KKK11576  14.10.2020 09:09
He's such a genius!
It was such an expensive meal that he didn't spend any money for the rest of the month
You're such a teacher!
They have such a lot of books that they need to store some of them in the garage
I'd never heard such music before.
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