придумать к тексту план ( 4-5 ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЙ) When Harvey awoke next morning he found the first half at breakfast.
The schooner was dancing on the waves and every part of it was singing its own
tune. The cook balanced over his stove and all the pots and pans rattled. It was a
stormy sea indeed.
Long Jack passed from the table to his bunk and began to smoke.
Ashore, he said,you always have some work to do, and you must do it
any weather. But here, when the seas like this, weve nothing to do. Good-night,
Tom Piatt followed his example; Uncle Salters and Penn climbed up the
ladder to stand their watch on deck, and the cook set the table for the second
half;. Manuel and the two boys came out of their bunks and ate
till they could eat no more.
As there was nothing they could do in such weather they returned to their
bunks. Manuel filled his pipe with some terrible tobacco and began to smoke. Dan
lay in his bunk and tried to play his accordion whose tunes went up and down with
the jerks of the Were Here. The cook was standing near the locker where he kept
fried pies (Dan was fond of fried pies) and peeling potatoes, and the general smell
and smoke and noise were beyond description.
Harvey was surprised that he was not sick in such a gale, but he got into his
bunk again, as it was certainly the softest and safest place.
How longs this forhe asked Manuel.
Till it gets a little quieter and we can row to trawl, the latter answered.
Perhaps tonight, perhaps two days more. You do not like it
A week ago I should have been terribly sick, but I feel quite all right now
Harvey said.
"That is because we are making a fisherman of you. You will get quite used
to it in some days.
Tom Piatt opened a locker and brought up an old white fiddle. Manuels
eyes glistened and from behind his bunk he drew out a small thing that looked like
"This is a concert," said Long Jack smiling through the smoke. "A real
Boston concert."
The door opened and Disko came in.
we are giving a concert said Long Jack . You will lead of course, Disko?
I think there are only two songs that I know and you;ve heard them both.
His excuses were cut short by Tom Piatt, who began to play an old tune.
With his eyes fixed on the ceiling Disko began to sing. The accordion and
the fiddle accompanied his song. It was an old song about a boat from Liverpool
that went on a long voyage across the Atlantic. The song was almost as long as the
voyage, but Disko sang it to the end. Then Tom followed with some old tune and
Manuel finished up with something sad and tender in Portuguese. That made
Harvey almost weep, though he could not tell why. But it was much worse when
the cook dropped the potatoes and held out his hands for the fiddle. He began a
song in an unknown language, his big chin on the fiddle tail, his white eyeballs
glaring in the lamplight.
Harvey sat up in his bunk to hear better. The tune was so sad that Long Jack
sighed deep when it ended and Dan cried out, "Now lets have something merry
for a change, and started a rattling tune on his accordion which ended with the
lines six and twenty Sundays since last we saw the land.

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