Придумать 5 предложений с past simpl и 5 предложений present perfect.

annasmaylick annasmaylick    2   16.06.2019 10:50    0

nasti2125 nasti2125  13.07.2020 08:18
Past simple.
1) He read this book 2 years ago.
2)How did you spend your holidays?
3) Did you tell you friends about the projetct?
4) The students took part in the play, didnt they?
5) I was in the theater yesterday and i didnt see my sister there.

Present Perfect.

1) I have done my homework already.
2) We have no classes today, our teacher has fallen ill.
3)Have you seen this film?
4) Has she come yet?
5) I havent seen him since then.
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