При думайте на языке сочинение промой любимый мультик можете придумать про мультик вольт и расскажите почему вы любите

ybrybrybrybrrby ybrybrybrybrrby    1   29.07.2019 11:40    4

Ka090907 Ka090907  07.09.2020 22:23
My favorite cartoon - Volts. This is the story of the dog nicknamed "Volt", which is the hero of the television series and gradually within the role of the underdog getting stronger and stronger. Here it seems that he actually has the power to save mankind and can fly.

Being in a Large City, filled with dangers and fears, he believes in his invulnerability, and generally believed, that all this is nothing more than a movie. Adventure Volt is very interesting, it's a favorite cartoon of many kids today, and their parents too.
It is very funny, but at the same time a very good cartoon. I advise everyone to watch!
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