Present simple or Present Continuous Put the verbs in the correct tense.
12. Sandy(want) to become an actress, so she
(try) to enter the best school of Arts in New York.
13. My brother...(get) on my nerves because he
14. Dad(work) in a new start up in Paris.
15. I(think) that running(be) Very good for health.
16. If you(keep) working you will succeed.
17. My neighbours(drive) to their ski resort with their own car
18. Natural disasters(destroy) more and more areas these
days. Yet some governments
(not/ do much about it.
19. David always(arrive) at school late.
20. What(she/plan) to do for her next holidays?​

ksa010402 ksa010402    2   07.09.2020 20:25    1

gamerXpro gamerXpro  15.10.2020 18:31

12. Wants, trying

13. Gets, always complain

14. Works

15. I think that running is

16. Keep

17. Drive

18. Destroys

19. Arrives

20. Is she planning

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