Present Perfect Test
№1. Заполни пропуски правильной формой глагола (have или has).
1. The writer … written a new detective story recently.
2. Where … you put your bag?
3. Mother … just made pizza.
4. I … already seen this film.
№2. Поставь глагол в правильную форму.
1. We have … our homework and can go for a walk. (do)
2. Tom has just … up. (wash)
3. Has your sister … to Greenwich? (be)
4. They haven’t … their project yet. (finish)
№3. Составь предложения в Present Perfect.
1. you/ ever/ watch/a parade?
2. The tourists/just/buy/some souvenirs.
3. Tony/take/a lot of photos.
4. I/already/make/my bed.
№4. Задай во к выделенным словам.
1. They have already visited the new museum.
What ….
2. He has eaten the cake.
What …
3. Dan has never been to America.
Where …
4. We have invited 5 friends to our party.
How many …

матькорейцев2345 матькорейцев2345    2   26.05.2020 22:43    2

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