Present perfect or past simple? 1. jack his key. he can’t get into the house. a) has lost b) lost 2. i … a lot of work today. a) did b) have done 3. what … you … last weekend? a) did … do b) have … done 4. … you … ann yesterday? a) have … seen b) did … see 5. it’s the most interesting film i ever … a) saw b) have seen 6. … you … many fruit today? a) did
… eat b) have … eaten 7. i … a message from lily last saturday. a) got b) have got 8. when … you … the new car? a) did …buy b) have … bought 9. they … rugby this year. a) played b) have played 10. what … you … since i last … you? a) have … done, met b) did … do, have met

manenkova1997 manenkova1997    3   08.03.2019 09:00    2

Marrrrrrk Marrrrrrk  24.05.2020 05:38

1. Jack ... his key. He can’t get into the house. a) has lost 

2. I … a lot of work today. b) have done

3. What … you … last weekend? a) did … do

4. … you … Ann yesterday?  b) Did … see

5. It’s the most interesting film. I never …  b) have seen

6. … you … many fruit today? b) Have … eaten

7. I … a message from Lily last Saturday. a) got 

8. When … you … the new car? a) did …buy 

9. They … rugby this year. b) have played

10. What … you … since I.. … you? a) have … done, met

микадо1 микадо1  24.05.2020 05:38

1. Jack has lost his key. He can’t get into the house.

2. I have done a lot of work today. 

3. What did you do last weekend?

4. Did you see Ann yesterday?

5. It’s the most interesting film I have ever seen

6. Have you eaten many fruit today?

7. I got a message from Lily last Saturday.

8. When did you buy the new car?

9. They have played rugby this year.

10. What have you done since I last met you?

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