Present perfect continuous or past perfect continuous? 1. it (to rain) since 2 o'clock. 2. he was very tired when he goto home. he (to work) hard all day. 3. he (to sell) computers for 2 months. 4. my grandfather stopped smoking last year. he (to smoke) for 30 years. 5. we (to wait) for your call all night. 6. the children (to sleep) since they came back home. 7. my cousin (to take) music lessons for five years now. 8. now long (you/to wait) there? 9. (you /to learn) french a long time? 10. it started raining last wednesday and it (to rain) ever since.

alexxxxarchenko alexxxxarchenko    1   19.06.2019 23:40    2

Викуля20172006 Викуля20172006  16.07.2020 01:25
1) has been raining;
2) had been working;
3) has been selling;
4) had been smoking;
5) have been waiting;
6) have been sleeping;
7) has been taking;
8) have you been waiting;
9) have you been learning;
10) has been raining.
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