Present Perfec ( open the brackets) t1)Where (you/be)? We were worried. 2)Oh no! What (you/do)?! 3)The plane (crush)! We need to send the rescue team immediately! 4)My friend (be) to Georgia. He says, it's nice there. 5)Patricia (not/find) your letter yet. She doesn't know about your feelings. 6)I (already/see) this film. Let's watch something different. 7)Why (you/not/tell) me about your brother's problems? I could help! 8)Peter (lose) his keys. He can't get home until his mother comes back. 9)Why is he asleep? (he/forget) about the meeting at half past four? 10)Believe me, my friend. You (never/see) such a beautiful girl!

JuliaNikolaenko13 JuliaNikolaenko13    1   13.04.2020 22:28    3

кисуня208 кисуня208  13.10.2020 04:50

Вспоминаем формулу have/has +V3

1.Where have you been?

2.have you done

3.has crushed

4.have been

5.hasn't find

6.have already seen

7.haven't told

8.has lost

9.He has forgotten

10.have never seen

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