Present continuous: fill in the blanks with the verb into brackets 1. what they (do) ? 2. look! it (snow) 3. they to a story (listen) 4. he on his coat (put) 5. as well (come) ? 6. we a cartoon (not / watch) 7. she very fast (swim) 8. i forward to seeing you (look) 9. in the yard (smoke) ? 10. you carefully (not /listen) 11. he for an exam (sit) 12. the children in the playground (run) 13. where you (go) ? 14. i the plants (not /water) 15. what tracy (eat) ? 16. you me (bother) 17. dad the car (not / repair)

N1R2 N1R2    1   18.09.2019 13:30    12

ilhamamanov197 ilhamamanov197  08.10.2020 00:12
1. are doing
2. is snowing
3. are listening
4. is putting
5. are you coming
6. are not watching
7. is swimming
8. am looking
9. is smoking
10. are not listening
11. is sitting
12. are running
13. are going
14. am not watering
15. is eating
16. are bothering
17. is not repairing
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