Преобразуйте, слова так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию контекста. . Once I was travelling in Italy. It was a lovely day. I wandered along the street until I came upon
some parasol-shaded tables which seemed to-L very nice. I settled and opened my book.
A sleepy female voloe answered and told me he was at work and come
home late in the evening.
The Swedish choose.
choose a very good place for the castle.
Some hours late_ the Peter drove past Jack, who was still waiting on the freeway for help to come.
Chinese people invest a lot of time and money in the Forbidden City lately and it is now a fantastic
place to walk and dream of the past centuries.
When you look at Kizhi, the one_thing that you see is the beautiful main building with dozens of
teardrop-shaped roofs. There are two smaller buildings with a similar design nearby, which are also very

vovaq6oziu5d vovaq6oziu5d    2   20.10.2020 08:20    11

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