Преобразуйте следующие предложения, используя фразы причастия (Английский) 1. After they received the message, they packed and left for Glasgow.
2. We live in a house which was built last year.
3. After we had passed our exams, we went to a summer camp.
4. The machines, which are made, at our plant are exported to many countries of the world.
5. As i had lost my key, i couldn't get in.
6. The decisions, which were adopted at the conference, are supported by many scientists.
7. She received a message which was sent yesterday.
8. As we had booked tickets beforehand, we went to the theatre half an hour before the performance began.
9. I've got a box of chocolates, which were made in Lviv.

zaxar3512 zaxar3512    1   09.12.2020 05:58    1

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