Преобразуйте предложения в активный\ пассивный залог
1. you have been selected for the job.
we .
2. you have been chosen to work in our company.

3. we have found your credentials satisfactory.
your credentials
4. your knowledge, skills and experience will be highly valued in our
company- our company
5. the employees of this company are highly valued
they -
6. we have designed programs.
7. the staff are already informed.

Serpopi Serpopi    1   19.10.2019 18:27    4

komlevaomg komlevaomg  17.08.2020 11:25

1 We have selected you for the job.

2 We have chosen you to work in our company.

3 Your credentials have been found satisfactory.

4 Our company will highly value your knowledge,skills and experience

5 They highly valued the employees of this company.

6 Programs have been designed by us.

7 We inform the staff already.

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