Преобразуйте повествовательные предложения в во и отрицательные.
1. Tabitha teaches art at school.
Does Tabitha teach art at school? Tabitha doesn’t teach art at school.
2. The Walkers usually have a family dinner on Sundays.

3. Barbara and George meet many people at the club.

4. Anne always greets everybody with a smile.

5. Jeremy wants to introduce his girlfriend to his classmates.

renata59 renata59    2   23.05.2020 01:29    29

lenayun lenayun  15.10.2020 06:50

2. do the walkers ? the Walker usually dont have

3. do Barbara and George meet... ? Barbara and George dont meet

4. does Ann always greet ? an doesn't always greet

5. does Jeremy want to introduce? Jeremy doesn't want to introduce

на место пропусков просто дописуешь предложение

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