Преобразуйте данный предложения в форму пассивного залога 1.steven spielberg has directed a lot of successful films. 2.a famous designer is going to redecorate the president's house. 3.a loud noise woke mary up . 4.he made her work overtime. 5.astronauts are exploring space . 6.leonardo da vinci painted the mona lisa. 7.christopher columbus discovered america. 8.people chop down a lot of trees every year. 9.a million people visit the cathedral every year. 10.an expert is restoring the antique car.

аленкатв3 аленкатв3    2   28.08.2019 01:40    0

raynis2 raynis2  20.08.2020 16:55
1. A lot of successful films have been directed by Steven Spielberg.
2. The President's house is going to be redecorated by a famous designer.
3. Mary was woken up by a loud noise.
4. She was made by him to work overtime.
5. Space is explored by astronauts.
6. The Mona Lisa was painted Leonardo da Vinci.
7. America was discovered by Christopher Columbus.
8. A lot of trees are chopped down every year.
9. The cathedral is visited by a million people every year.
10. The antique car is being restored by an expert.
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