Преобразуй предложения в Passive Voice (пассивный залог)

1. Cars pollute the air.

2. People cut down trees.

3. Tourists often leave glass bottles in the forest.

Переведи на английский язык

1. Нам не позволяют ломать деревья.

2. Нас просят не беспокоить животных.

3. Нам велят выбрасывать мусор.

Это проект Лоры. Найди 8 ошибок и исправь их

1. There is a lot of factories in my hometown.

2. A lot of chemicals and dirt thrown into the air.

3. They poison water in the our lovely river.

4. Fish can’t to live in it.

5. Both clean air and clean water are necessary to our health.

6. Our factories, plants, cars and buses need good filters.

7. When they will have them?

8. Besides, I’m very concerned that the countryside are

destroyed with new roads.

9. I thinks people should find the right balance between our

natural environment, industry and building of new roads.

Распредели следующие существительные на две группы

paper – bottle – porridge – happiness - pencil - coffee – girl – work – job – plate – dog – meat - news – apricot – toothpaste – time



Выбери правильный вариант ответа в тестовом задании

1. I eat meat. I prefer fish. (A – very few / B – a few / C — very little)

2. There are apples on the plate. Take one (A – a few / B – a lot / C — a little)

3. There is milk in the fridge. Can you buy some? (A – a few / B – a little / C — little)

4. Very pupils in our class can do such difficult sums. (A – few / B – a few / C — little)

5. There is furniture in the house; it’s almost empty. (A – a few / B – a little / C — little)

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