Преобразовать предложения из прямой речи в косвенную a) she says: “ i don’t like this kind of music” b) she said: “ i don’t like this kind of music” c) we decided : “we will take part in this event tomorrow” d) my friend asked: “ will you come to my birthday party next weekend? ” e) she wondered: “ when was your last family reunion? ”

logan8 logan8    2   17.07.2019 12:20    0

Daman1777 Daman1777  03.10.2020 06:23
A) She says she doesn’t like this kind of music.
B) She said she didn’t like that kind of music.
C) We decided to take part in that event the next day.
D) My friend asked me if I would come to her birthday party the next weekend.
E) She wondered when our last family reunion was/had been.
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