Предложите сюжет для фильма. используя подсказки 1.главные герои(герой) 2.место, где развиваются события 3.проблема, которую хочет решить герой 4.какие действия предпринимает герой для решения проблемы 5.кто или что действует против него (неё) 6.финал фильма: кто победил 7.главная мысль фильма жанр: фантастика,триллер, боевик, любовная , детектив, приключение

nikfyodorov20 nikfyodorov20    2   07.07.2019 07:30    5

ovsjannikova20p01gvg ovsjannikova20p01gvg  30.07.2020 10:56
Intergalactic basketball

1. The main characters are a team of six strong basketball players from Planet Earth who take part in the Intergalactic Basketball Championship. 
2. The championship takes place on a different planet far away from the Earth. 
3. The Earth team faces many challenges in this championship because all other teams of species from other planets are stronger and bigger than them. The humans have to work extremely hard to show that they are not inferior to the rest of the species and they have to come up with new tactics to beat much stronger opponents.  
4. The humans know that physically they are not as strong as the rest of the teams so they intend to use their brain as well as their strength. They decide to research into other teams to find their weaknesses and strengths so they can use these against their opponents.Then they find a planet with the harshest living conditions and go there to train for upcoming matches. They hope that if they learn how to overcome themselves in harsh conditions then they will be able to play easier and faster on the planet where the championship takes place. 
5. They are playing against 16 other strong basketball teams from various planets. 
6. In the end, their hard work paid off and they won the competition proving that humans are just as strong if not stronger than other species. 
7. The core message of the film is to show that if you set goals, work hard and push yourself beyond your limits you can achieve anything. 
Genre: Science fiction. 
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