Предложения составтить предложения: nancy/a cap of 1)tea/afternoon/in/sometimes/has/the 2)bed/gareth and tonia/to/go/never/ early 3)lars/practises/evening/kickboxing/usually/the/in 4)my/parents/weekends/relax/always/at/the 5)friendd/my/often/home/visit/at/me

NcsON NcsON    3   19.09.2019 04:30    1

LENUSEA2007 LENUSEA2007  08.10.2020 01:27
1) Nancy sometimes has a cup of tea in the afternoon.
2) Gareth and Tonia never go to bed early.
3) Lars usually practises kickboxing in the evening.
4) My parents always relax at the weekends.
5) My friend often visit me at my home.
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