Правильно составить предложения из наборов слов:
1. asked - have - us - the - they - dinner - to - with.
2. the next day - phone - she - me - to - told.
3. he - smoke - asked - to - him - not.
4. not - us - park - she - to - told - there.
5. asked - quiet - we - be - to - them.
6. i - on saturday - didn't - you - at the party - see - night.
7. some - in the library - we - interesting - books - found.
8. walked - around the town - have - i.
9. every - do - clean - week-end - you - the house?
10. slowly - he - getting - is - better.

SpawNis SpawNis    1   21.11.2019 14:45    1

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