Правильно ли я поставил many much a lot of? i have got much strawberries how many coconuts have you got how many olive oil would you like bob hasn't got a lot of friends i don't drink many cola are there a lot of girls in your class tom ate much apples yesterday how many loats of bread of bread would you like my cat drinks many milk i drink a juice

nastiia4 nastiia4    3   17.09.2019 17:40    0

zetexer1 zetexer1  16.08.2020 17:42

1. many 2.many 3. much 4. a lot of 5.much cola 6. a lot of 7. many 8. many 9. much 10. much

Many употребляется, когда предметы можно посчитать.

many apples, many shops и т.д.

То, что сыплется и льётся, то что в руки не даётся - употребляем much

much cola, much olive oil, much sugar much juice.

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