Правильно ли построены вопросы? 1. where does she work? 2. what time does her work begin? 3. how well the waiter speaks english? 4. how much does these shrimps cost? 5. how do they travel? 6. why does she want to learn english? 7. who own this apron? 8. when will return mr. brammit? 9. what machine is my boss driving? 10. how many we have free tables? оригинал 1. she works in a bar. (where) 2. her work begins at 9 a.m. (what time) 3. the waiter speaks english very well. (how well) 4. these shrimps cost $50. (how much) 5. they travel by plane. (how) 6. she wants to learn english in order to get a better job. (why) 7. this apron belongs to my chef. (to whom) 8. mr. brammit returns to the restaurant at 8 p.m. (when) 9. my boss drives a cadillac. (what car) 10. we have three vacant tables. (how many)

sasha235sasha sasha235sasha    1   17.09.2019 11:30    0

miloserdova2404 miloserdova2404  26.08.2020 22:24
1: Right.
2: Right.
3: How well does the waiter speak English? 
4: How much are these shrimps cost?
5: Right.
6: Right.
7: Who owns this apron?
8: when does Mr.Bremmit returns?
9: What car does my boss drive?
10: How many vacant tables do we have? 
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