Правила в семье и дома на языке с переводом

lililobanova20 lililobanova20    2   06.07.2019 19:30    0

MelinMelomGii MelinMelomGii  29.07.2020 21:23
Perhaps, only at home we can truly unwind and relax, including from the conventions of social life. But, you see, the order in his "fortress". It provides the basic rules of family etiquette. It "grow legs" understanding the rules of etiquette in society. Comfortable home life make the words "thank you", "please", "sorry", "good morning", "good appetite", "good night," and the habit of respectful listening to all family members, not interrupting in mid-sentence. Also it is considered good practice to inform all family members where you're going and how much intend to return. For all households are required cleanliness and neatness of clothing. First of all, the example should show the parents, because their appearance is one way of upholding its authority in children. The rules in the family Among family members are often affectionate Pets nickname: "Kitten", "Sun", "Bunny" and so on. They are quite acceptable if not mentioned in the presence of strangers. Also, in conversation with third persons, not called their wife or husband spouse, this position is assigned only at official events. It would be more appropriate to call their other half by name. Appeal to the older generation of the family also requires sensitivity. Completely unacceptable, referring to his mother-in-law, calling her "grandma". If the family has not made contact to his parents, wife or husband "mom" and "dad", rules of etiquette allow pinging by name and patronymic and on "you". While grandchildren may well be called grandmother or grandfather. Rules of family etiquette husband always apply coats wife, both at home and in public. In addition, it is worth passing the door, miss wife first and offer her a hand at the exit of public transport. The first dance on the evening of the same remains for your spouse. In turn, the wife should not be in the absence of her husband to invite guests and accept invitations from people whom he disliked. Also improper to restore order in his personal things, you should check your pockets and wallet. Shouldn unflattering things about her husband in the presence of children. Mutual respect all members of the family is born not on an empty place. Parents ought not be read without the consent of their children's personal letters or diaries. Entering someone else's room, you should knock. The rules in the family is Not worth it to strangers unnecessarily berating children, lecturing to a close. Do not wash your dirty linen in public. But even if the showdown cannot be avoided, one should not raise his voice and use profanity. Moreover, should not quarrel in front of children. Also try to protect children's ears from gossip and perelivania bones that have just gone missing guests or relatives. Tactless to complain about the husband or wife outside the family circle, to bring personal life and also give unsolicited advice to resolving family conflicts friends. It is enough just to Express sympathy, if your friend shares the problems of an intimate nature. Older relatives ought not to stand neither on one side of the conflict between husband and wife. The best way is neutrality. Also in the family should be unified rules of parenting: the same requirements, the system of rewards and punishments. Even if the older generation does not agree with parenting grandchildren, you should not argue in front of the kids. Tact, ability to find common language and mutual courtesy is the basis for good communication in the family.
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