Practise the following according to the model
M o d e l I (a) She is fussy. I wish she weren't fussy.

(b) He is not healthy. I wish he were healthy.

1. She is very suspicious about people. 2. He is not a man of prin­ciple. 3. It's not up to me to make a decision. 4. There isn't enough room for all of us here. 5. She is not well enough. 6. His suggestion is not sensible. 7. He is lazy. 8. She is wasting time when there is such a rush of work. 9. They are too highbrow for my taste. 10. The kid is so annoying.

M o d e l II (a) He has no sense of humour.

I wish he had a sense of humour.

(b) She always piles my table with her things.

I wish she didn't pile my table with her things.

1. She has no sense of proportion. 2. They don't know their duty. 3. He always borrows money. 4. I just can't get rid of this unpleasant feeling. 5. I don't know what they are suspecting him of. 6. He always interrupts people when they are talking. 7. She often misses her Eng­lish lessons.

M o d e l III (a) He missed the 8.30.

I wish he hadn't missed the 8.30.

(b) He didn't apologize to her.

I wish he had apologized to her.

1. They put off the meeting till Friday. 2. This idea occurred to me too late. 3. They didn't include me in the team. 4. He has never been frank with me. 5. I wasted a lot of time on this foolish mystery story. 6. She didn't hide her awful taste in literature. 7. I followed his advice. 8. They didn't reserve rooms at the hotel for us as they had promised to.

M o d e l IV (a) He will go by the night train.

I wish he wouldn't go by the night train.

(b) She won't apologize.

I wish she would apologize.

(c) You are not following me.

I wish you would follow me.

1. He won't give up smoking. 2. He will borrow the from his neighbour. 3. She won't admit that she is wrong. 4. They will repeat the same mistake. 5. He will start arguing again. not listening to me.

rrxxmarta rrxxmarta    3   05.12.2021 10:14    2

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