Practise present perfect continuous. put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. example: __ she __ tennis for half an hour now? (to play) answer: has she been playing tennis for half an hour now? 1) andrew __ in the country. (not/to live) 2) how long __ your grandparents __ this car? (to drive) 3) they (not / to cycle) 4) tony __ this book, but mary has. (not / to read) 5) how long __ he __ for her? (to wait) 6) __ andy __ on the blue car? (to work) 7) my brother __ hard enough. (not / to study) 8) how long __ they __ for a flat? (to look) 9) i __ my homework. (not / to do) 10) __ you __ the whole morning? (to sleep)

LiveRiot LiveRiot    3   08.08.2019 08:10    0

lyubov130906 lyubov130906  20.08.2020 01:29
1. hasn't been living
2. have your grandparents been driving
3. haven't been cycling
4. hasn't been reading
5. has he been waiting
6. Has Andy been working
7. hasn't been studying
8. have they been looking
9. haven't been doing
10. Have you been sleeping
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