Повторите притяжательный падеж существительных и перефразируйте следующие словосочетания:
1- the house of Mr Smith;
2 - the works of Rembrandt;
3 —the arrival of the ship
4- the rest which lasted an hour
5 - work which takes two hours
6- a distance of five kilometres
7 – gold reserves of Russia​

ксения23242526 ксения23242526    1   11.04.2020 17:48    3

anonimm852 anonimm852  13.10.2020 02:27

ответ: 1-Mr Smith's house

2- Rembrandt's works

3- the ship's arrival

4- an hour's rest

5- two hours' work

6- five kilometres' distance

7- Russia's gold reserves

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