Постройте каждое предложение в Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple. Обратите внимание на залог (Active/Passive Voice).
1) I … ( to watch) TV.
2) The book … (to read).
3) Mary … (to sing) a song.
4) Plates … (to wash).
5) John … (not to go) to school.
6) The project … (not to do) by engineers.
7) Children … (not to paint) pictures.
8) Money … (to steal) by robbers.
9) The competition … (to win)?
10) Doctors … (to help) patients?
11) Flowers … (to sell) in the streets?
12) Cat … (to catch) a mouse?
13) Jim and Sue … (to pass) an exam.
14) Milk … (to drink) by babies.
15) The gift … (to present) on the birthday party.
16) My car … (not to find) by the police.
17) Parents … (not to buy) toys for kids.
18) Soup …(to eat) by Tom?
19) Mary and Sam … (to break) the law?

Лееееешаааа Лееееешаааа    1   07.05.2020 22:55    10

mashazygmangovich mashazygmangovich  14.10.2020 10:32
I am watching tv
the book is read
mary is singing a song
plates are washed
john doesn’t go to school
the project isn’t done by engineers
children didn’t paint pictures
money are/ were stolen by robbers
the competition is won
doctors help patients
flowers are sold
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