Построить предложения come | when | she | did | back? | 2. he | gone? | has | where | 3.you | so | look | why | do | sad? | wait | how | you | me? | long | did | for | 4.is | far | that | true? | how | 5.blame | why | do | you | me? | 6. when | we | him? | can | see | 7.me | lives? | he | you | can | tell | where | 8.shall | we | how | begin? | 9.you | where | going? | are | 10.this? | mean | by | you | do | what | 11.is | it | important? | so | 12.concern | it | does | you? | 13.before? | why | you | didn’t | visit | us | 14 .do? | what | do | you |

susovaanastasia susovaanastasia    3   19.06.2019 22:30    2

ivanignatov201 ivanignatov201  02.10.2020 05:43
1 when did she back
2 where has he gone
3 why do you look so sad? How long did you wait for me
4 how far is that true
5 why do you blame me
6 when can we see him
7 can you tell me where he lives
8 how shall we begin
9 where are you going
10 what do you mean by this
11 is it so important
12 does it concern you
13 why didn't you visit us before
14 what do you do
Toktorovaskar Toktorovaskar  02.10.2020 05:43
1) When did she come back?
2) Where has he gone?
3) Why do you look so sad?
4) How long did you wait for me?
5) How far is that true?
6) Why do you blame me?
7) When can we see him?
8) Can you tell me where he lives.
9) How shall we begin?
10) Where are you going?
11) What do you mean by this?
12) Is it so important?
13) Does it concern you?
14) Why didn't you visit us before?
15) What do you do?
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