Построить предложения.
1. a, buy, didn't, Stephan, car, new.
2. years, lost, Bill, toy, a, was, he, and.
3. go, did, when, to, girls, the, London?
4. tidy, didn't, Layla, room, her.
5. decided, Mary, clean, window, the, to.

saididag saididag    2   30.05.2020 11:53    8

school91love school91love  15.10.2020 11:04

Відповідь на завдання.

1)Stephan didn't buy a new car.

2)Bill he was lost a years toy .

3)When did girls go to the London?

4)Layla didn't tidy her room.

5)Mary decided to clean the window.

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