Поставу слова в правильном порядку, щоб скласти речення. ( Не забудь про велику літеру на початку та крапку в кінці) children shouldn't the you at shout ( начни с you)
we're disco not to go allowed to the
prefer staying in I
speaker he be the can't guest
rather Art take up than Photography I'd ( закончи словом Art)
talk if you I to were her I'd (начни с if)

Марьяна200413 Марьяна200413    2   09.04.2021 12:46    0

Vikof Vikof  09.04.2021 12:50

you childrenshouldnt were disci not to go the you at shiut prefer staying.

Art takr up speaker guest he be cant guest rather photography Id art

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