Поставте запитання до вашого друга) 1. it is going to rain soon. 2. it snowed hard last winter. 3. it was warm or hot yesterday. 4. it was raining much this autumn. 5. it is freezing hard now.

73Женя91 73Женя91    3   25.08.2019 20:30    1

dashadgankozde8z dashadgankozde8z  09.09.2020 06:58
1 Is it going to rain soon?When is it going to rain?What is the weather like now?
2 Did it snow hard last winter?When did it snow hard?What was the weather like last winter?
3 Was it warm or hot yesterday? What was the weather like yesterday?
4 Was it raining much this autumn? When was it raining much?What was the weather like this autumn?
5 Is it freezing hard now? What is the weather like now?
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