Поставьте вместо пропусков глагол «to be» в правильной форме. 1. My name …. Marina.
2. I … Russian.
3. These girls ….. students now.
4. I … in hospital last week.
5. We … managers in 4 years.
6. … Peter your friend?
7. Why … you so sad?
8. … the weather fine yesterday?
9. They … not my relatives.
10. … you … at home tomorrow?
11. … your friends in China last summer ?
12. She … a very interesting person

sofia0lord0dominator sofia0lord0dominator    2   12.09.2021 18:06    2

hhhhh7777 hhhhh7777  26.11.2021 06:58

1. My name is Marina.

2. I am Russian.

3. These girls are students now.

4. I am in hospital last week.

5. We are managers in 4 years.

6. Is Peter your friend?

7. Why is you so sad?

8. Is the weather fine yesterday?

9. They are not my relatives.

10. Are you to be at home tomorrow?

11. Are your friends in China last summer ?

12. She is a very interesting person


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