Поставьте в нужную форму. 1)on my holidays i spend time (travel) to different cities and towns. 2)the teacher asked tom to stop (talk) to his neighbour. 3)do you mind (shop) at weekends? 4)it's a new book.it's worth (read) 5)i prefer (walk) to school. 6)do you enjoy (do)sports? 7)have you ever tried (write) a story? 8)when i switched on the radio pleasant music started (play). 9)she prefers (listen)to her brother's advice. 10)have you ever dreamed of (go) round the world?

2006ksenia2006 2006ksenia2006    1   19.08.2019 03:00    0

SkylloutBrain SkylloutBrain  05.10.2020 04:01
1) traveling
2) talking
3) shopping
4) reading
5) walking
6) doing
7) writing
8) playing
9) listening
10) going
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