Поставьте слова в правильный порядок.

1. At the table, write, this, and, letter, sit.

2. Is, old, in, clock, there, an, my, room.

3. Are, house, no, our, in, pictures, there.

4. Often, my, friend, me, visits.

5. To his, long, Hobbit, friends, writes, letters.

6. Has, new, Ben, computer, a.

7. A dog, to have, I, like, would.

8. Bigger, than, the road, is, the path.

9. In the, a monkey, zoo, lives.

10. He, go, where, on Mondays, does?

11. Don’t, swim, but, rabbits, jump, like to, they, like to.

vamp9991 vamp9991    3   15.03.2020 22:58    4


Sit at the table and write this letter

There is an old clock in my room

There are no pictures in our house

My friend often visits me

Hobbit writes long letters to his friends

Ben has a new computer

I would like to have a dog

The path(путь) is bigger than the road

A monkey lives AT(так верно) the zoo

Where does he go on Mondays?

Rabbits don't like to swim but they like to jump

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