Поставьте слова в порядке чтобы получилось предложение 1. ten, they, english, have got, textboooks. 2. has got, new, her husband, a tape-recorder. 3. in the garden, my grandmother, apple-trees, ten, has got. 4. has got, hchildren, joy, two. 5.six, have got, stars, you. 6. rulers, have got, the pipils, nice. 7. grey, i, toy, have got, a doiphim. 8. has got, his, toy, sister, a piano. 9. little, tadles, have got, we, three.

сергейважный1 сергейважный1    2   05.08.2019 10:00    3

МиссисX2 МиссисX2  03.10.2020 23:15
1) They have got ten English textbooks.
2) Her husband has got a new tape-recorder.
3) My grandmother has got ten apple-trees in the garden.
4) Joy has got two children.
5) You have got six stars.
6) The pupils have got nice rulers.
7) I have got a grey toy dolphin.
8) His sister has got a toy piano.
9) We have got three little taddles. 
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