Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную форму: 1. i go to the institute. 2. they know english very well. 3. she helps her mother. 4. you learn russian. 5. he likes cat.

айеоник айеоник    2   05.10.2019 18:50    7

Тупик101 Тупик101  09.10.2020 22:15

1.I dont go to the insititute

2.They dont know english well

3.She doesnt help her mother

4.You dont learn Russian

5.He doesnt like cat

stalkeregor344 stalkeregor344  09.10.2020 22:15

1. I do not go to the insititute.

2. They do not know English well.

3. She does not help her mother.

4. You do not learn Russian.

5. He does not like cats.

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