Поставьте прилагательные в скобках в нужную форму Crocodiles are (ancient) animals in the world. There are 25 kinds of crocodiles and their relatives on our planet nowadays. (large) of them is the Crested crocodile which lives in the south -east of Asia and in Australia. They are (long) (about six metres) and (strong) among their relatives, that’s why Crested crocodiles are (dangerous). Unlike other kindsof crocodiles, which live in lakes, rivers and bogs, the Crested crocodile lives in the sea. Alligators are (small) than crocodiles. The Chinese alligator is considered to be (small) kind of crocodiles (only two metres long)/. It is also (rare) one.

Melenocka0606 Melenocka0606    2   19.10.2021 00:36    11

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