Поставьте прилагательные или наречия в нужную степень сравнения.

Вариант 1.
1) Fifth Avenue is the (famous) shopping centre in New York.
2) Fear can make people (brave) and (strong) than they really are.
3) The (large) crabs in the world live in Japanese waters.
4) Jack is as (intelligent) as Jim.
5) You know him (good) than anyone else.

Вариант 2.
1) Her brother is five years (old) than she.
2) The (far) he swam into the sea, the (beautiful) the shore looked.
3) You know him (good) than anyone else.
4) He was a (little) man, considerably (little) than of middle height.
5) Park Avenue in New York has the (large), (expensive) apartments.

Вариант 3.
1) It was (strange) voyage he has ever made.
2) Who is the (old) of the children of your family?
3) He felt much (strong) and (young) now.
4) January is (cold) than March.
5) The people needed business skills so that they could manage themselves (much) efficiently.

Вариант 4.
1) Joe Brown has (beautiful) garden in our town.
2) Bill’s garden is (large) than Joe’s. He works (hard) than Joe.
3) I hope you can see (clearly).
4) They staged some of his (little) known operas.
5) The (soon) you go, the (good).

ТамириТимур ТамириТимур    1   01.06.2020 18:58    361

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