Поставьте предложения в пассивный залог. 1 they will dictate the letter to mike over the telephone. 2 the teacher repated same rule to the students several times 3 our parents described to us life in that remote names. 4 nobody has ever seen the other side of the moon 5 they make very good wine in spain. 6 they made this film in hollywood 7 they have invited us to have dinner with them at ritz hotel

zhenyasvetli4n zhenyasvetli4n    1   03.09.2019 16:20    2

19557 19557  06.10.2020 15:10
1The letter to Mike will be dictated by them over the telephone.
2The same rule was repeated to the students by the teacher several times.
3Life in that remote place was described to us by our parents.
4The other side of the Moon has never been seen by anybody.
5Very good wine is made in Spain.
6This film was made in Hollywood.
7We have been invited by them to have dinner with them at Ritz Hotel.
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