Поставьте has got или have got ! сделайте предложения вопросительным и отрицательным 1.our students goods. 2.i mutton chops. 3.he cornflakes. 4.sam two feet. 5.we love.

marylist2005 marylist2005    1   10.07.2019 09:00    0

veronikamod veronikamod  17.09.2020 11:36
1) Our studens have got goods. Our students havent got goods. Have our students got goods?
2) I have got mutton chops. I havent got mutton chops. Have I got mutton chops?
3) He has got cornflakes. He hasnt got cornflakes. Has he got cornflakes?
4) Sam has got two feet. Sam hasnt got two feet. Has Sam got two feet?
5) We have got love. We havent got love. Have we got love?
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