Поставьте глаголы в скобках в подходящее время. В окне для ответа вы можете записать номер предложения и глагол в правильной форме.

1. Mrs. Smith (go) to the shop every Friday.

2. We (watch) this movie next Sunday.

3. Sue (cook) dinner while her son (do) his homework.

4. Andrew (not / eat) any Chinese food before we took him to that restaurant.

5. The kettle (boil) right now.

6. My aunt (fly) to Greece after she finishes all her work here.

7. Kate (talk) to her boss while we (prepare) a presentation yesterday.

7. I (wait) for you since early morning!

8. By 2027 they (invent) a device for doing homework.

9. The manager (give) instructions to the team 10 minutes ago.

10. I (not / take) my dog for a walk last evening because I had no time.

alinasupieva0910 alinasupieva0910    1   18.04.2020 11:08    2

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