Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужном времени, используя 2 тип условных предложений: 1. If I (to be) you, I (to learn) this English rules.
2. She (to enter) the university If she (to have) high marks.
3. I (to ask) him my question, if I (to know) this text.
4. If you (to have breakfast), you (not to be) hungry.
5. The professor (not to put) bad marks If students (to come) on time.

ksysha98090909 ksysha98090909    1   13.12.2020 10:46    0

ванямна ванямна  12.01.2021 10:47

Conditional II:

1 were, would learn

2 would enter, had

3 would ask, knew

4 had, wouldn't be

5 wouldn't put, came

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