Поставьте глаголы в нужное время. i was going on my first really important business trip. my flight ( (to schedule) for 9 am and i had got up extra early to ensure that i got to the airport on time. while i ( (to walk up) to the chek-in desk, i took a quick look in my briefcase to make syre that i had my laptop and all the papers i ( (to need) for my presentation. everything was there. i gave the girl at the desk my ticket and she ( (to hand) me my boarding card. i had lots of time, so i decided to get something to eat. i went through passport control and ( (to find) a little cafeteria in the departure area. i rdered my meal and began talking to a lady who ( (to sit) at the table beside me. she told me that she was also gping on a business trip. time passed quickly and soon my flight ( (to announce) i made my way to the boarding gate and joined the queue. i opened my briefcase to get my boarding card, and suddenly realized that i ( (to take) the wrong case! just then, i heard someone calling my name, "we ( (to mix up) our cases! " i turned around and saw the lady from the cafeteria waving my briefcase. i exchanged cases with her and boarded my plane. as i took my seat, all i could think of was, "all is well that ( (to end) well! "

gsst2004p08tcc gsst2004p08tcc    3   09.07.2019 11:30    1

qwerty804 qwerty804  02.10.2020 23:19
1) was schelduled
2) was walking
3) needed
5) found
6) was sitting
7) was announced
8) had taken
9) have mixed
10) ends
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