Поставьте глаголы в формы активного или пассивного залога.
1. About 200 years ago, there ... (not be) many factories or machines.
2. People ... (use) a metal which ... (call) steel to make strong chassis.
3. Some assembly operations … (perform) manually.
4. Each station … (design) to perform a specific processing operation.
5. Many applications of numerical control … (develop) since its initial use to control machine tools.
6. His work ... (finish) already.
7. The experiment ... (carry out) from ten till twelve o’clock.
8 The machine ... (test) now.
9. Watt ... (continue) his researches and ... (patent) several important inventions.

Вовчик256 Вовчик256    3   13.04.2020 18:22    3

eshkinbayramov2 eshkinbayramov2  13.10.2020 04:31

1. Were not

2. Use, is called

3. Are performed

4. Is designed

5. Has developed

6. Has been already finished.

7. Had been carried out

8. Is being tested

9. Continued, patented

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