Поставьте глаголы из скобок в необходимую форму.
If she … (be) my sister, I … (introduce) her to my friends.
If I … (be) braver, I … (become) a champion.
If I… (know) the way, I … (tell) you how to get to the shop.
David … (buy) expensive car if he … (win) a lot of money.
We … (go) to Germany this summer if we … (have) enough time.

2. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в нужную форму
If you (study) hard, you (have not) so a lot of mistakes.
If you (get up) earlier, he (get) to the airport on time.
If I(have) more time, I (go) to the theatre.
If you (buy) some milk, you (cook) more cupcakes.
I (tell) you if you (help) me.
Тема Second Conditional

lara1906 lara1906    1   17.04.2020 17:44    5

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