Поставте глаголы из скобок в форма future simple или future conditions 1... (send) you a postcard from Spain. 2. She ... (stay) at Sunrise Hotel if you need her. 3. Miss Richards ... (attend) a lecture from 2 till 5 p.m. today. 4. We .. (wash) those dirty dishes when we come home from work. 5. I know that Jerry ... (stand) on the platform and ... (wave) his hand when our train arrives. 6. Your dress.. (be) ready in half an hour. 7. The New Year ... (start) at midnight. 8. He ... (not return) to that island anymore. 9. Sandra... (enjoy) her vacation in a ski-resort at this time next year. 10. 1... (not work) in the library tomorrow evening.​

alexutkin22241 alexutkin22241    2   16.04.2020 18:15    6

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